PMP TeamMate

The only real end-to-end performance suite to enhance operations, empower your workforce, improve product mix quality and value, and increase your bottom line.
Explore all PMP TeamMate modules

Empower your workforce to reach better results

We understand that your business objectives and strategy must translate into actions by your people—otherwise, they have no idea what they’re chasing after. We’ve designed our tools to do just that—transforming objectives into actionable information. 

PMP TeamMate™ is the result of more than 15 years of on-the-ground experience by our team of experts. It is used in more than 115 mills across North America and covers every aspect of your mill's supply chain, from the sawmill infeed to shipping.
View every PMP TeamMate module
Bird's-eye view of waterside lumber mill

Specifically designed for the wood transformation industry

With years of industry-specific knowledge and know-how under its belt, PMP SOLUTIONS truly understands the challenges facing plant operators, managers, and employees. This is how we were able to develop PMP TeamMate, the only real, end-to-end performance suite to improve operations, empower your workforce to give its best, improve product mix quality and value, and increase your bottom line—without the express need to modernize your equipment.

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The power to act immediately

PMP TeamMate is designed to contextualize production data and present it on the plant floor in visualizations that are simple and easy to understand for powerful real-time insights into such things as efficiency, quality, and productivity. This anchors operators to performance and gives them the power to act on issues immediately, before losing control of the production run.

PMP TeamMate isn't a simple real-time alert system—it also provides powerful business intelligence (BI), which gives you the power to quickly reach pivotal strategic and operational decisions that significantly impact your bottom line.

Simulate how much you can gain with PMP TeamMate insights
Line operator in front of PMP WePlane dashboard
Diagram of PMP WePlane communication flow with dashboards and reports

Work better—Not more

PMP TeamMate promotes communication and collaboration. By federating operational technology data and making it available to everyone in your organization, every stakeholder—from operator to management—is on the same page, anywhere in the mill, making them all the more productive and efficient.

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A software suite for every aspect of your operations—go beyond reporting

PMP TeamMate is the operating system for your wood transformation business—whether it’s a single or multiple-mill operation. It's a complete operating system for your mill—each module of PMP TeamMate can be used individually or in any combination, but they are all designed to offer you the information to get more out of your mill and the people who work in it, because our solution is your teammate.
Improve sawmill performance with real-time information and reports.
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Improve your control over moisture content and optimize the use of your kilns.
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Improve the quality of your end products with real-time information and reports.
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Improve your ability to deliver by knowing where and what is in inventory at all times.
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Improve sales and operations alignment to deliver the right products at the right time.
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Start putting your data to work.

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