The name PMP SOLUTIONS is synonymous with high-quality software and hardware products designed for non-destructive testing. PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks are extremely valuable because they are the standards of excellence and consistent quality associated with PMP SOLUTIONS and its various brands.
This page contains detailed information about how to refer to PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks in different scenarios.
It is important to use PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks properly. You may use PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks or product names to refer to products if you follow the following guidelines. Your use must not mislead consumers as to any PMP SOLUTIONS sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company, products, and / or services.
When referring to PMP SOLUTIONS trademarked intellectual property, apply the appropriate trademark symbols in accordance with the current list of trademarks or registered trademarks.
Trademark |
Driving wood transformation |
Trademark |
PMP TeamMate |
Trademark |
Put your data to work. |
Trademark |
PMP WeSaw |
Trademark |
The data you need. Before it’s too late. |
Trademark |
PMP WeDry |
Trademark |
Master drying. Improve quality. |
Trademark |
PMP WePlane |
Trademark |
Stop reacting. Start collaborating. |
Trademark |
PMP WeTrack |
Trademark |
Simply accurate. |
Trademark |
PMP WeSchedule |
Trademark |
Always available. On time. |
Trademark |
Here are some examples of PMP SOLUTIONS brands and their descriptors:
The common way to set trademarks apart from other words or nouns is to capitalize the product name and use the appropriate trademark symbol and appropriate descriptor. You may also use italic or bold type for the name. Examples:
After you install the PMP TeamMate™ software suite.
After installing PMP TeamMate.
Include an attribution of PMP SOLUTIONS ownership of the trademark(s) in the credit notice section of your documentation or advertisement. Follow this format:
PMP SOLUTIONS, PMP TeamMate, Driving wood transformation, and their associated logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of MES-PMP SOLUTIONS, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks should never be used in the plural form. They should be introduced as a proper adjective followed by an appropriate descriptor.
Social media guidelines associated with the use of PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks are: your social media account names, all pages, and all communities should not include any PMP SOLUTIONS trademarks. Any associated account, page, and community images must not include any PMP SOLUTIONS logos. For example, you cannot name your account, page, or community PMP TeamMate Forum or PMP SOLUTIONS Products.
Any social media account must not use the names or likenesses of any prominent individual within PMP Solutions.
You may use the names of PMP SOLUTIONS products on packaging, on Websites, and in advertising materials to indicate your product’s compatibility with a specific PMP SOLUTIONS product, provided that the references comply with the guidelines herein and the specifications below.
Any use of PMP SOLUTIONS logo to indicate compatibility must be done under license. Contact PMP SOLUTIONS for details.
Do not use the PMP SOLUTIONS corporate logo, PMP TeamMate logo, or any other PMP SOLUTIONS logos, symbols, or icons on or in connection with products, packaging, manuals, promotional or advertising materials, or Websites for any purpose except pursuant to an express written trademark license from PMP SOLUTIONS.
You may place a text link to a PMP SOLUTIONS page on your Website if the text link is not a prominent feature on the Website and is not used in a way that could confuse or mislead consumers. You may refer to the PMP SOLUTIONS company name or PMP SOLUTIONS product names in a plain text font and format, provided that this use follows the general PMP SOLUTIONS trademark guidelines, and you include appropriate wording such as This way to Except for the link logos as supplied by PMP SOLUTIONS, you may not use the PMP SOLUTIONS corporate logo or any other PMP SOLUTIONS logo or graphic to link to PMP SOLUTIONS.
You may refer to PMP SOLUTIONS product and technology names on the cover of magazines and periodicals, and in the title of seminars and conferences, provided that you comply with the guidelines herein and the following specifications:
The publication, seminar, or conference should relate to the specific PMP SOLUTIONS product or technology referenced.
Your name and logo should appear more prominently than the PMP SOLUTIONS word mark on all printed materials related to the magazine, periodical, seminar, or conference.
A disclaimer of sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement by PMP SOLUTIONS similar to the example below should be included on the publication and in all related printed materials: [TITLE] is an independent [PUBLICATION] and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by MES-PMP SOLUTIONS, Inc.</em >
You should include a trademark attribution according to the notice format provided in the Use trademark notices section of this page.
Do not use or register any PMP SOLUTIONS trademark, including PMP SOLUTIONS logos, symbols, icons, or any potentially confusing variations thereof as part of your company, trade, product, service, or domain names. Do not place your company name, trademarks, service marks, or product names next to, or combine them with, a PMP SOLUTIONS product name.
Do not use any PMP SOLUTIONS trademark in any manner that expresses or implies PMP SOLUTIONS affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, certification, or approval. Do not use any PMP SOLUTIONS trademark in such a manner that it appears that PMP SOLUTIONS is legally associated with your company. You must display your company name more prominently than any PMP SOLUTIONS trademark on all materials.
Do not manufacture, sell, or give away merchandising items such as T-shirts or mugs that bear any PMP SOLUTIONS trademark, including logos, except pursuant to an express written trademark license from PMP SOLUTIONS.
Do not imitate PMP SOLUTIONS logos, logotypes, trade dress, or other elements of PMP SOLUTIONS product packaging and Websites in any of your materials, including but not limited to, advertising, product packaging, Websites, and promotional materials.
Do not use or imitate any PMP SOLUTIONS tagline, including but not limited to, Driving wood transformation and Put your data to work.